
Can you hear the singing coming from the cellars? It is the brewers singing as they stir the boiling wort. It was a responsible but dangerous task. The steam produced during the boiling process caused many accidents.

Can you hear the singing coming from the cellars? It is the brewers singing as they stir the boiling wort. It was a responsible but dangerous task. The steam produced during the boiling process caused many accidents. Brewers, walking around the kettles in the dark cellars, often bumped into each other what frequently resulted in an unpleasant bath. The songs helped them maintain a safe distance.

In the brewery cellars, fermentation vats and barrels for aging the brew were placed. On the upper floor, there were mash and filtration vats. A very important place was also occupied by the tanks storing water, which was the basic ingredient of beer.

The hop needed for its production was sourced from a hill in the southern suburbs of Bystrzyca Kłodzka, known as the “Hop Hill,” and from the “hop gardens” located in front of the Kłodzka Gate.

Another essential product for brewing the golden beverage was malt. The brewers most often used barley malt. It was processed in a separate malt house, on the upper floor, where the grains were stored. These rooms were heated with tile stoves to prevent the grains from dampness.

The process of preparing beer started with soaking the grains in large wooden or stone vats so that they would sprout. Then they were dried and ground. This prepared malt, mixed with water and hops, was then brewed. It produced a beverage that was appreciated mainly for its high nutritional value. The drink often replaced an entire meal.

The townspeople most eagerly produced barley, March, and wheat beer. In the 19th century, Baumolbier was extremely popular in Bystrzyca Kłodzka, a dark beer to which good oil, pepper, and toasted bread were added.


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