Municipal breweries

Beyond the citizens' homes, beer production was also carried out by municipal breweries. Yes, dear tourist, Bystrzyca Kłodzka could boast of having two such buildings. The oldest one was built near the town hall and served its purpose until the mid-19th century.

Beyond the citizens' homes, beer production was also carried out by municipal breweries. Yes, dear tourist, Bystrzyca Kłodzka could boast of having two such buildings. The oldest one was built near the town hall and served its purpose until the mid-19th century. Its wooden structure was replaced by a brick building as early as 1540. Over the following centuries, the brewery was frequently renovated, mainly due to the fires that ravaged the city. In 1598, another municipal brewery was built on Nadbrzeżna Street, which in the following centuries was converted into a malt house.
The poor technical condition of the brewery near the town hall forced the city council to purchase a tenement house at the market square in 1852 for 950 thalers. This house was designated as a brewery, and the first brewing took place there in May of the same year.
And here my story begins. My name is August Kastner, and I was the owner of the Bystrzyca brewery in the second half of the 19th century.
My predecessor, master brewer Albert Marx, due to declining interest in beer consumption and insufficient turnover of the brewing community, bought the town brewery in April 1865 for 1860 thalers. He was an extraordinary man who, apart from brewing his own beer, also brought in proven varieties, providing the town with an additional offer.
I took over from Albert the brewery on Kupiecka Street, the malt house with a garden in front of the Water Gate, and all the brewing equipment. The demand for beer rose again, and our brewery could boast about profit from the sale of the golden beverage.
You must have heard of the "Kastner Brewery" in our town. This term was sustained in the following years, despite changing owners. Similarly, the ponds at today’s Zamenhof Street, where ice for beer was produced in the summer season, were named after it.
The last master brewer in Bystrzyca Kłodzka was Max Kreller, who held his position from 1900 to 1940. He brewed eight types of light and dark beers, which could be purchased at the bar in the market square. The product was transported to the villages in our county by drivers Georg Hiller and Peuker.
At this point, I must say goodbye to you, dear tourist. However, do not leave the Bystrzyca underground. They still hide many interesting stories and secrets, which you will hear shortly...

Municipal breweries
Municipal breweries

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