Dutch windmill

Can you feel in Grodków like in the Netherlands? Of course! It is enough to go for a walk to the popular park called Cegielnia. There is a real Dutch type windmill on its premises.

The "Dutch" became popular all over Europe as early as the 16th century. They came to Poland later, in the 18th century. Especially many of them were created in western Poland. In the rest of the country, they never managed to oust the "Koźlaki", that is, more primitive windmills dating back to the Middle Ages. In the eighteenth century, the Dutch began to appear also in Silesia, whose landscape has become a permanent part of it to this day. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them - and in the case of the area around Brzeg and Oława - all of them - are in a state of ruin.

This grodkowski is an exception. It is one of the few preserved examples of this type of industrial construction in Opole Silesia. The windmill performed its original function until 1939. In the 60s of the last century it was adapted for gastronomic purposes. A popular club and café was located here. The extension with storage rooms comes from this period. The last renovation was carried out in the 1980s.

The elements of the historic equipment have been preserved in the windmill: a wing shaft, a pile wheel with a prominist-spoke structure and a cog wheel. Originally it had wings fastened with sheets on one side and metal shutters on the other.

Dutch windmill
Dutch windmill
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