Monument to the chemist goat

We are in a place whose name is related to what was produced by local craftsmen - that is, in the Blachownia estate. Once upon a time, until 1975, it was a town. Its name comes from the sheet metal factories that existed here in the Middle Ages. They were forged thanks to the strength of the nearby Kłodnica river, entangled in mill wheels.

When we talk about smelting iron, we imagine large steel mills. But in the Middle Ages and before, there were no steel mills. Alchemists did it. They were amazing people! Nowadays, they are associated with the search for miraculous elixirs or a magic philosopher's stone, supposedly not invented to this day. But centuries ago, their main occupation was crafts. It required a lot of knowledge, at that time even secret. The effect of their work was, among other things, iron.

With the advancement of science, alchemists were replaced by chemists who turned mysterious laboratories into laboratories and chemical institutes. And they transformed the experience with the synthesis and analysis of chemical substances into chemical processes on an industrial scale. This contributed to the economic development of the entire region.

Monument to the chemist goat
Monument to the chemist goat
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