There are cities in Poland where supposedly goats forge ... In Kędzierzyn-Koźle the goats are not hammered, but forged. Forged in bronze and beautifully integrated - both into the history of the city and the urban landscape ...

The goats refer to the coat of arms Kędzierzyn-Koźla. It depicts three black goat heads with golden horns on a silver background and refers to the legendary three Kozłów brothers who were supposed to reside here in the 12th century in a fortified castle. This application, in turn, is a reference to the history of Lech, Czech and Rus, known from medieval stories. Goats became the symbol of Kędzierzyn-Koźle, included in the coat of arms after the creation of the city in 1975. It was established from four towns: Kędzierzyn, Koźle, Sławięcice and Kłodnica. Before, each of them had its own coat of arms. The current one is the Koźle emblem from the fourteenth century. The idea to set bronze goats in the city in relation to the nice, heraldic animal is completely fresh. The first, triple sculpture of this kind was erected on the renovated Koźle Market Square. The author of her design, selected in the competition, was a resident of Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Michał Misiaszek. But this is not the end! More goats have already appeared in Kędzierzyn-Koźle, or will still appear. They are to stand on each of the 16 urban estates and refer to their character.

Kedzierzyn Kozle Goat
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For 26 years journalist of Radio Opole, now presenter of news but started in the 90''s as a host of numerous radio shows including local chart OpolTop 40, R&B show 'BlackJam' and finally programs dedicated to alternative music originating mainly from UK and US. In 1995 he was a member of editorial office responsible for very popular city program 'Radio na Wyspie'. The list of the hosts of his programs include i.a. Pat Metheny, Fish, Bruce Dickinson, Stacey Kent or Mel C. 

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