Monument to Józef Piłsudski

"We want an independent Poland so that we can arrange a better and fairer life for all." The Józef Piłsudski monument stood in Kędzierzyn-Koźle on November 11, 2018, i.e. evenly on the hundredth anniversary of Poland regaining independence. It was financed from the money of the municipal office and social collections. He was a response to the needs of patriotic circles, which demanded commemoration of the Marshal.

It was made of bronze in one of the sculpture workshops in Kraków. The marshal is dressed in a military style, wearing a maciejowce cap and an unbuttoned coat. Józef Piłsudski is considered the architect of Polish independence and one of the greatest figures in the history of Poland. He was surrounded by worship when he was in power. For example, in 1931, when Piłsudski was resting on Madeira, Poles sent him one million 40,000 greeting and greeting cards! The Marshal was also worshiped after his death. The funeral ceremony lasted 6 days. The silver casket with the chief's body was first exhibited in Warsaw, and then by train, for many hours, transported to Krakow on a special platform, and thousands of people bid farewell to the Marshal at subsequent stations. To this day, Józef Piłsudski is considered one of the most important figures in Polish history. A man to whom successive generations of politicians and average citizens refer. A personage, which - next to Pope John Paul II - is one of the most commemorated in Poland - with tables, street names or ... monuments ...

Monument to Józef Piłsudski
Monument to Józef Piłsudski
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