One of the most beautiful is the epitaph from 1630, made of polychrome, gilded sandstone. Its founder was Jerzy Skopek, collegiate curator and canon of Opole. Four scenes were presented on it. On the lowest position one can see Jesus on the cross and Saint Ludgard kneeling under the cross, the forerunner of services to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jerzy Skopek himself kneels on the other side of the cross.
Just above this stage there is another, illustrating the struggle of Saint George, patron of the founder, with the dragon. In the background of this scene a mysterious woman with a sheep was placed. The largest of the scenes, the third from the bottom, however, shows the adoration of the Magi in the scenery of the Renaissance chamber. At the top of the beautiful epitaph there is a scene dedicated to the Holy Trinity with the inscription: "Holy Trinity, have mercy on us."
Also beautiful is the epitaph plaque placed at the side entrance to the cathedral, on the left from the sacristy, founded in 1608 by the Opole dean, Fr. Jerzy Jan Stephetius. The epitaph consists of one scene in which Mary, dressed in a loose robe, holds Christ removed from the cross. He holds his head with his left hand and his limp body with his right. Above her head a radiant halo spreads and under the stage there is an inscription: "Support the unfortunate, lift the timid, comfort the crying".
Passing by the epitaphs placed in the Opole cathedral can be an interesting journey through the ages. Artfully decorated - with coats of arms or floral motifs - the tablets testified to the importance of the deceased and the entire family. They were also to ensure memory for posterity and express a request for prayer for the dead.
There are 27 epitaphs in the Opole Cathedral. They were devoted mainly to clergy, representatives of excellent noble families, townsmen and patricians. They are undoubtedly a picture of the artistic craft of Silesia of their time and the history of the city written in stone.
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Pomniki w mieście przypominają nam historię miejsc, ludzi, nawiązują do ważnych wydarzeń. To także dzieła pracy artystów. Brąz, metal, drewno czy beton zamienione w formę pomnikowego obelisku skupiają uwagę. Lubimy przy nich siadywać, fotografować się, umawiać.
Poniżej pokazujemy Państwu, jak reagują osoby słuchające opowieści niemych zazwyczaj pomników. Jak się uśmiechają, zamyślają, czasem dziwią albo bawią…
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