Schinkel Trail

Schinkel's greatest works can still be admired today mainly in Berlin. These include the theater building at the Gendarmenmarkt or the famous Altes Museum building on the Museum Island. This famous architect also left his mark in the Popielów Commune and in the entire Opole region.

Karl Friedrich Schinkel is an outstanding and respected architect, painter, town planner and designer, creator of classicism in architecture and painting in the then Kingdom of Prussia. We can admire the achievements of his work in many places in Europe.

In Popielów, however, the idea of ​​creating the Karl Schinkel trail was born. It leads through ten architectural pearls of the Opolskie Voivodeship. All this to bring closer the heritage of this famous architect and painter.

Schinkel's works of Popielów are historic churches: in Kurznie from 1813 and in Stare Siołkowice from 1825.

Schinkel's works show the influence of Friedrich Gilly's classicism. Its clear forms, in opposition to the baroque convexities and concavities, perfectly reflected the spirit of Prussian classicism. In contrast to the Empire style associated with the recent French occupiers, Schinkel's designs alluded to Greek rather than Roman architecture. The architect is considered to be one of the protagonists of the Greek revival trend.

Schinkel Trail
Schinkel Trail
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