Abraham Prager

Abraham Prager can be credited with many merits for Rybnik, but probably his name appears most often when the fire brigade is appointed. He was one of the three people who campaigned for the creation of a modern and professional service to fight the element.

With the help of mine director Hoffmann and mayor Fuchs, Prager succeeded in 1875. The first headquarters of the fire brigade was located at Klasztorna Street next to the Evangelical church, but the actual fire station was established soon later at the so-called pig market, at today's Chrobrego Street. The inhabitants liked the initiative so much that other well-known inhabitants of Rybnik quickly became involved in its functioning. These included the innkeeper Friedlander, the factory owner Ferdynand Haase, the owner of the house Schindler, the owner of the brewery Theodor Muller, the bookbinder Blumenthal and the owner of the Seidel brewery. In a word, the most influential and wealthy inhabitants.

However, Prager was concerned not only with the safety of Rybnik inhabitants, but also with their health. That is why he co-financed the construction of an orphanage for Jewish children and the Juliusz Hospital. The building of the hospital was opened in 1871 and for those times it was really impressive. It had 80 beds, and in the following years it was expanded by more. In 1894, a beautiful separate chapel was built next to the hospital, for which Prager funded carpets. Besides, those in front of the main altar of the church of St. Antoni, also funded by Prager.

But who was Abraham Prager and how did it happen that he had such a big impact on the life of Rybnik? Well, the predisposition to be unique was sucked in with his mother's milk. He was born in 1835 in the Haase family, which gave birth to at least a few well-known inhabitants of Rybnik throughout Europe. Prager himself was a manufacturer and merchant. He excelled in both fields. He had great social sensitivity, so he wanted to use his position also for the benefit of his fellow citizens. That's why he became a city councilor. He was also a recognized member of the board of the Jewish community, he was also active in the people's education association in Rybnik.

Abraham Prager
Abraham Prager

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