The Church in Przyczyna Górna

This is the Rote Kirche, or the red church. This is how the temple of St. George. Everything, of course, because of the brick from which it was built. The church is the oldest testimony to the more than 800-year history of the Upper Cause, and at the same time one of the most valuable Gothic churches in the whole of Greater Poland.

Although the original wooden church could have stood here even a hundred years earlier, the brick one was built at the end of the 14th century. The church has a spatial layout modeled on single-nave Romanesque churches, known mainly from the neighboring Silesia. It is a hall church, with a two-span chancel and a simple, square tower on the west axis of the building, with a sacristy adjoining the north, merged with the chancel with a common roof.

However, the real treasures are hidden inside. There we find testimonies of human ingenuity and art from different eras. The oldest elements still remember the medieval origins of the temple in Puławy! The most valuable are certainly the gothic frescoes from the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. Interestingly, they were invisible for several hundred years. They were not even known about their existence. They were discovered only during the research carried out in 1889, and the public was not shown until several years later. The frescoes are the true pearl of this temple, although they are now largely faded.

However, special attention is drawn to the main Baroque altar. In the center there is a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary standing on a sphere with a snake with an apple in its mouth wrapped around it. There are figures between the columns: St. Anna and St. Joachim. In the upper storey, there is a relief depiction of the fight of St. George with the dragon. The altar is crowned with a sculpture of God the Father holding a globe.
The Church in Przyczyna Górna
The Church in Przyczyna

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