Kadłub Wolny

The history of the Free Hull is so unusual that it should be taught in history lessons as an exception on a European scale. The most valuable souvenirs from its history are still kept in the historic inn.

In 1605, when feudalism prevailed on the continent, a peasant community was established here where each inhabitant and his descendants were shareholders of the acquired goods. The peasants bought them along with freedom from Jan Von Bess, the owner of the estate, who urgently needed money.
The free peasants divided the land among themselves according to the amount of the financial contribution made at the buyout. The forest and the inn remained the undivided good of the whole community. The Vedas also began to be called the Free Hull at that time.
In 1845, the peasant company gained legal personality registered in court. Authorities appointed: general meeting and management. The Peasant Community of Small-Wooded Forests of the Kadłub Wolny Village and the Peasant Land Community of the Inn were created. It is worth emphasizing that both communities are still active today.
Today, the inn serves as a meeting room and regional chamber. On 80 square meters, many souvenirs from over 400 years of village history have been collected.

Kadłub Wolny
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For 26 years journalist of Radio Opole, now presenter of news but started in the 90''s as a host of numerous radio shows including local chart OpolTop 40, R&B show 'BlackJam' and finally programs dedicated to alternative music originating mainly from UK and US. In 1995 he was a member of editorial office responsible for very popular city program 'Radio na Wyspie'. The list of the hosts of his programs include i.a. Pat Metheny, Fish, Bruce Dickinson, Stacey Kent or Mel C. 

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