White Eagle Square

Katarzyna Wielka was born two steps away, on ul. Farnej 1, in 1729, as the princess of Antilles Zofia Fryderyka Augusta. In 1745 she became the wife of Tsar Peter III. And after the attack on him - the tsarina. She ruled Russia for over 34 years.

The latter was called Zofia Dorota Wirtemberska. She was born thirty years after Katarzyna - also in Szczecin. She was born in the place where today's Globus Palace stands. Maria Fedorovna, reportedly in 25 years of a happy marriage, gave birth to ten children.

Before the war, the present-day White Eagle Square was called Roßmarkt, that is, the Horse Market. The name comes from the horse markets that were held here. He was baptized after the war, referring to this fountain. By the way, this fountain used to be the end of the municipal water supply, which supplied water here from the Warszewskie Hills. It's five kilometers from here! It was flowing in wooden pipes at that time.

A little closer to the intersection, there is another palace. It was built at the end of the 1770s by Christian Velthusen - a Dutch merchant living in Szczecin. He was involved in importing wine, exporting wood, producing tobacco, sugar and vinegar ... He even established a winery here. Then there was the Wolkenhauer piano factory and salon, and then a bank. Rebuilt after the destruction of the war, it houses a music school. That is why there are sculptures of composers' heads above the windows of the first floor
White Eagle Square
White Eagle Square
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